About Us

Alyssa Hodges & Dave O'Brien love movies... Like, REALLY love movies. But they didn't become screenwriters until they realized being a lawyer & radio host could only PARTLY quench their thirst for creativity and human peregrination... and until they met each other, of course!

Known for the Rom-Com genre and one of a kind quirkiness, the duo combine a carefree style of writing and dialogue that has twice garnered attention at the prestigious Austin Film Festival, including most recently as Semifinalists in 2024. Prior to that, both authored published fiction works after studying Creative Writing in college, and both achieved success as artists, with combined experiences including singing, song writing, modeling, Hollywood Red Carpets and professional baseball clubhouses.

“We write only movies we are passionate about, and only movies that we would want to see,” the pair always say. “Our characters are like our friends, and we want to share them with the world in a way that lets another human being escape the moment and forget about life for awhile.”

Alyssa & Dave appreciate your time, and hope that you will reach out and connect!

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